Joey's virtual care gives you access to experienced GPs via video from anywhere, then sends personalised ongoing nudges so you can avoid future illness.
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Have video & phone appointments with experienced doctors on your schedule when you're at home, work, or on-the-go.
Afterward, get treatment in your profile and receive gentle nudges on the unique care we discover to make avoiding common illnesses a simple task.
Use Joey to access both the every day healthcare you know you need and proactive, preventative healthcare every Australian needs to avoid common illness.
Answer custom questions to ensure your consult is tailored to you, then make a booking at a time that suits you best.
Speak to experienced GPs via video for the care you need and the preventive care our doctors and software discover you need.
Access treatment in your profile, then receive nudges on preventive & ongoing care to stay ahead of the health curve.
No more hustling across town in your lunch break to find a carpark, then sit in a dirty waiting room full of coughs and splutters for an appointment that's not on time.
Joey provides experienced doctors via video when you're at work, home, or on-the-go.
After each consult, treatment is sent directly to your profile or closest chemist so you can act straight away.
Getting better is no longer an uncomfortable interruption.
Joey sends ongoing nudges about the unique preventive healthcare uncovered in your consult that you need to avoid common illnesses.
Achieving your best healthspan (quality of years) and lifespan (number of years) is now a reality.
Sadly, 50% of all Australian deaths under 75 years are potentially avoidable, yet only 7 of every 100 consults are for prevention.
Joey software means prevention is included in every consult and helps you remember when you need it so you can avoid common illness before it becomes painful, expensive, and maybe deadly.
Healthcare's most experienced minds see Joey as the future of primary health.
One day, after a troubling visit from the giant Catherine Clifford, Chloe leaves her house and sets out in search of three cosy sausages.
Joey works for many consult types - prescriptions, repeats, bloods, medical certificates, and general check ups. If we can't help or feel you need in-person care, we'll tell you immediately and won't charge (you'll keep your health profile, too).
No. Going to your regular GP is really important if you have one. Joey is for busy Australians who have no time to see a GP, who need the most value out of every visit to the doctor, and who need help to remember what health checks they need.
Yes. Preventive health checks help you uncover illness before they become painful & expensive to treat later (if they don't kill you first) and provides peace of mind knowing you're less of a chance of having unwelcome surprises later on.
Other healthcare options treat only what you came for. Joey is proactive, too; we add in preventive, ongoing care to help you avoid future illness and our software helps GPs better provide the unique care you need.
Unfortunately not. Telehealth is only covered by the Medicare Benefits Scheme if it's with a GP you've had a physical appointment with in the last 12 months. This means Joey is a full-fee service until the legislation changes.
Nope, our ongoing care is provided free of charge! Right now, you pay-per-consult, only charged when you speak to one of our doctors via video or call.